Monday, April 13, 2009

DXCore Plugin Types

A single DXCore plugin dll can perform a single simple task or many different functions. These functions are added to a plugin by adding various components to it’s design surface. These components will need various properties set and events handled, but the process is typically quite simple.

These components include:

  • Action – A simple object which represents any arbitrary piece of Code you like. Placable on many of the VS menus and assignable to a keyboard or mouse shortcut (optionally in combination with a context) using the DXCore IDE\Shortcuts option page.
  • RefactoringProvider – Used to add items to the ‘Refactor’ Menu in RefactorPro
  • CodeProvider – Used to add items to the ‘Code’ menu in CodeRush. It differs from the RefactoringProvider in that by convention items placed on this menu are allowed to alter the functionality of the code they affect
  • IssueProvider – Used to add ‘Code smells’, ‘Warnings’ and the like to the CodeRush ‘Code Issues’ feature.
  • CodeMetricProvider – Used to provide additional metrics for both inline metrics and the Metrics tool window.
  • ContextProvider – Used to add items to the Context Tree. This in turn is used to indicate suitability of Templates, Shortcuts and other Coderush facilities.
  • NavigationProvider – Used to add extra Items to the Navigate SmartMenu
  • SmartTagProvider – Used to add a new section to the DXCore SmartTag menu. Items like the existing ‘Refactor’ and ‘Code’ menu sections
    StringProvider and TextCommand – used to enhance existing features like templates, selection embeddings, Selection Inversions and others. Both perform some function, but the StringProvider returns a value to it’s calling mechanism where the TextCommand does not.

Depending on the type of functionality you are after, you may not need to place any additional component on your plugin. The plugin object itself has several properties and events that, when properly used, can provide some very useful effects.

Over the course of the next few blog posts I am hoping to provide some insight into the general process of creating a plugin, as well as the facilities provided by each of these components.

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