Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Some tools I use:

Dev Tools:

CodeRush - If you haven't tried this then you should $249 (when I last checked) for mere mortals, this wonderful tool is also available for FREE if you're an MVP and although not widely known, it includes RefactorPro in the price.

RefactorPro - By far the easiest way to refactor your code. Simple interface, quick to operate. A joy to use. $99 if you don't want CodeRush (you mad fool you :P)

DXCore Community Plugins (GoogleCode Binaries) Some open source plugins for DXCore/Refactor/CodeRush which myself and some other community members have been playing about with.

Reflector - For anyone who's curious how stuff works under the hood

Expresso - To say this is a WYSIWYG Regular expression tool does it a great disservice.

SketchPath - As above but for XPath expressions

MyGeneration - Free Code Generation Tool.


Other Tools:

Windows Live Writer - I'm writing this post using this wonderful tool. So easy.

OmeaPro - My nntp/ rss reader of choice.

Twhirl - My Twitter Client of choice. Follow me at

AutoHotKey - Windows automation on steroids.

NiftyWindows - AutoHotKey derivative program with many gestures and hotkeys prearranged.

Unlocker - Don't you just hate it when the file you need to delete/move/alter is locked

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