If you haven’t seen it already, I suggest that you check out the VSTricks section of Scott Cate’s site.
The introduction is here but for the lazy…
Sara Ford recently (well December) finished her 17 month long “Visual Studio (2005/2008) - Tip of the day” series. (That’s 382 posts.) The posts are obviously still there (check out VS2005Tips,VS2008Tips) to be read by anyone who cares to drop by.
Since then however Scott has taken it upon himself to declare “My hope is not only to enhance your (Sara’s) original Tip Of the Day posts by adding video samples, but also continue to create new posts for tips and tricks from the Visual Studio team.”
No small order considering the amount of time taken to create, edit, upload and host that many videos. Still he’s off to a great start with already 30 videos up at the time of posting. I have already subscribed to the VSTricks Rss feed, and you should too.
So please stop by and check it out.. I’m sure there’s something there you didn’t know and keep checking back as Scott has set himself one hell of a challenge and will need all the support he can muster in order to keep going. :)